Friday, 30 June 2017


Revelation 20:4 Revelation 3:10

The moment rapture takes place the Antichrist will take over, and many Christians will pass through it , revelation 20:4 and Revelation 15 1-3 also confirm it that many Christians will come out of The tribulations
That is many will miss rapture...because they did not prepare for it.
Since they are not preparing for rapture THEY ARE PREPARING FOR THE GREAT TRIBULATIONS ......... 

Your pastor has written at least 3 books non of them is abour RAPTURE and making heaven ............YOU ARE WARMING UP FOR  THE GREAT TRIBULATIONS

You have been in a church FOR YEARS your pastor has never preached or teach whole book of revelation ..........YOU ARE WARMING UP FOR  THE GREAT TRIBULATIONS

Your church only preach prosperity.......YOU ARE WARMING UP FOR  THE GREAT TRIBULATIONS

Your church permit workers to make up..........YOU ARE WARMING UP FOR  THE GREAT TRIBULATIONS

Your church permit boys to blow whistle during service......YOU ARE WARMING UP FOR  THE GREAT TRIBULATIONS

Your pastor jerry coil his African hair..........YOU ARE WARMING UP FOR  THE GREAT TRIBULATIONS

Your pastor told you to bless Attachment and used it.........YOU ARE WARMING UP FOR  THE GREAT TRIBULATIONS

Your pastor use comedian to entertain you in the church........YOU ARE WARMING UP FOR  THE GREAT TRIBULATIONS

Your pastor told you that masturbation is not SIN............YOU ARE WARMING UP THE GREAT TRIBULATIONS

Your pastor allow his wife to put on trousers...........YOU ARE WARMING UP FOR  THE GREAT TRIBULATIONS

By the time you miss rapture you won't be able to Hold services in your beautiful auditorium. If YOU ARE WARMING UP FOR  THE GREAT TRIBULATIONS
You are warming up for torture
You are warming up for fire affliction
You are warming up for arrest
You are warming up for slow death
You are warming up for thirst and hunger
Be wise prepare for RAPTURE

Do you need any message on holiness  and End time ?
Connect ....PHD ministries channels on you tube ....OR
Connect us live on my Facebook wall every Sunday for worship services by 8am..........OR
IF YOU ARE A GENUINE CHRISTIAN, DONT REMOVE THIS link when you share or copy to whatapp or Facebook .don't be a stumbling block to those who will need to ask me a rapturable Christian

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