Friday, 2 June 2017

STUDY THE BOOK OF REVELATION WITH ME REVELATION CHAPTER 14 ANOTHER 144000 IN HEAVEN verse 1-5 Apostle John was permitted to see a group of people in heaven who are all Christians in their life time, they are the first fruit of Christianity...that entered the heaven after Jesus death, ressurection and Ascension THAT WAS WHY THE BIBLE CALLED THEM " FIRST FRIUT" MYSTERY OF BABYLON verse 8 THE day is very close that the city of Babylon will be destroyed this City is in the second heaven, under the authority of the QUEEN OF HEAVEN...though there are cities on earth that represent her and project her programs oo earth e.g NEW YORK PARIS LAS VEGAS MECCA LOS ANGELES OPERATIONS OF THE QUEEN OF BABYLON ............... NOMINATIONS AND INNICIATION OF MOST WORLD LEADERS FORMATION OF ISLAM TO COUNTER CHRISTIANITY CREATION OF CATHOLIC TO DOMINATE CHRISTIANITY ESTABLISHMENT OF FALSE WORSHIP RICHES FOR WORDLY MUSICIAN CORDINATING OF BLOOD SUPPLY TO SATANIC BLOOD BANK FALSE REVELATION OF ANGELS REVELATION OF FAKE Jesus in People dream Distribution and control of world economy Support and finance for fake pastor These and more are the operations of the Antichrist. In verse 9 it was stated that anyone that received the mark of the beast will be condemned forever, if any anyone received the mark the fellow 1 will be highly possessed 2 can never be delivered 3 declaring allegiance to Satan forever 4 making a choice to go to lake of fire forever 5 rejecting the sovereignty of God 6 trampling upon the offer for salvation That is why anyone that takes the mark is doomed for ever See you tomorrow for the study on chapter 15 Do you have any questions on this message? You Do you need any topic on holiness messages? Do you need counsel on how to prepare for rapture CONTACT Pastor, PHD ministries ikorodu NIGERIA IF YOU ARE A GENUINE CHRISTIAN, DONT REMOVE THIS link when you share or copy to whatapp or Facebook .don't be a stumbling block to those who will need to ask me a rapturable Christian

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