Monday, 5 June 2017

STUDY THE BOOK OF REVELATION WITH ME REVELATION CHAPTER 21 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. IT WE SOON PASS AWAY this earth will pass away America will pass away Africa will pass away Australia will pass away Europe will pass awAy Asia will pass away Your house, your street, your city WILL PASS AWAY THOSE WHO TOLD YOU TO BE CONCERN ABOUT THIS WORLD ARE LYING TO YOU......EVERY THING WILL SOON GO THERE WILL BE NEW HEAVEN AND EARTH....AND THERE WILL BE NO SEA NO SUN NO MOON OR STARS....NO DARKNESS....THE NEW WORLD WILL HAVE A NEW CAPITAL ....HER NAME WILL BE NEW JERUSALEM.... ITS LENGTH WILL BE EQUAL TO HER HEIGHT....THE HEIGHT WILL BE EQUAL TO HER BREATH........THE STREET WILL BE MADE OF GOLD...FOUNDATION OF THE CITY WILL BE MADE OF PRECIOUS STONES AND NAMED AFTER THE APOSTLES...THE GATES OF THE CITY WILL BE NAMED AFTER THE 12 TRIBE OF ISRAEL....THE LIGHT OF THAT CITY WILL BE THE ALMIGHTY GOD HIMSELF.......WILL YOU BE THERE...... Do you have any questions on this message? Do you need any topic on holiness messages? Do you need counsel on how to prepare for rapture CONTACT Pastor, PHD ministries ikorodu NIGERIA IF YOU ARE A GENUINE CHRISTIAN, DONT REMOVE o link when you share or copy to whatapp or Facebook .don't be a stumbling block to those who will need to ask me a rapturable Christian

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