Friday 2 June 2017

STUDY THE BOOK OF REVELATION WITH ME REVELATION CHAPTER 16 Since God created Adam and Eve, Satan has been interested in ruling man and this world, when God gave man dominion over all that he created, in the sky, in the water and the land....he was also including the spiritual presence in this three major places, So the fall of man in Eden transferred the dominion over this three places to Satan that is why Jesus call him "The prince of this World" The person directly in the affair of the system of the world was the queen of heaven whom Apostle John saw in this chapter. Though there are other principalities behind different operations Queen of heaven.........Government and world leaders and False worship Baal......Idolatory Jezebel ........seduction and naked dresses and make ups Bacchus.........incharge of Alcholic drinks and beers charge of money ( also know as Aje in Yoruba language) Belzebub charge of witchcraft operations Incubus and succubus......incharge of spirit spouse Leviathan .......incharge of all the waters , rivers, and sea All this and many more were distributed to form a force against humanity and to fight them in all aspect of life. The good news is that the spiritual entity representing all of them will be crushed as soon as the QUEEN OF HEAVEN AND BABYLON KINGDOM IS DESTROYED ALL THEIR NETWORK ON EARTH WILL NOT BE SPARED AM ALWAYS AMAZED, WHEN I SEE MOST MEN OF GOD PREACHING ONLY PROSPERITY, HAVING IN MIND THAT ALL WE ARE SEEING NOW SHALL BE MELTED BY FIRE......2 Peter 3:7 SEE YOU Tomorrow for the study on on revelation chapter 18 , if you have not read the other study please check my wall....maranatha. Do you have any questions on this message? You Do you need any topic on holiness messages? Do you need counsel on how to prepare for rapture CONTACT Pastor, PHD ministries ikorodu NIGERIA IF YOU ARE A GENUINE CHRISTIAN, DONT REMOVE o link when you share or copy to whatapp or Facebook .don't be a stumbling block to those who will need to ask me a rapturable Christian

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