Friday, 2 June 2017

STUDY THE BOOK OF REVELATION WITH ME REVELATION 11 Verse 1-2 The Temple in Israel is presently occupied by moslems they have a mosque on it that is known as THE DOME......THE ANTICHRIST WILL TAKE OVER THE SAME SITE , BUILD ANOTHER TEMPLE , BUT AFTER 3 and HALF YEARS HE WILL SIT IN TEMPLE AS GOD AND DEFILE IT.....TILL THE END OF SECOND HALF OF HIS GOVERNMENT, WHICH IS ANOTHER 3 and half VERSE 3-14 God will send two witnesses who will be highly anointed , if you look at the description..the two of them have a likeness of Elijah and Moses. 1 These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: ..........ELIJAH 2 and have power over waters to turn them to blood, ..........MOSES 3 and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will........MOSES FACT This two men will be sent from heaven.....they will not be born ...they will appear among men in flesh This men are spiritually the the two olive tree and two candlesticks before the throne of God They will be highly Anointed They will fear no one They will encourage Christians who are left behind They will be killed when their ministry is over They will die and be see all over the world through SKY NEWS , CNN and co THEY will ressurect and ascend into the heaven THEY will preach only for 1260 days....that is 3 and half years They will be killed in Jerusalem......verse 8 THE BOOK OF REVELATION IS HIGHER THAN ANY CHURCH OR CALLING OF ANY PASTOR.....THESE ARE REVELATION THAT YOU CANT CHANGE OR PRAY AGAINST.....YOU CAN ONLY POSITION YOURSELF IN THE RIGHT PLACE........see you tomorrow for the next chapter.......shallom Do you have any questions on this message? You Do you need any topic on holiness messages? Do you need counsel on how to prepare for rapture CONTACT michael.bamgboluwaga?__mref=mes sage_bubble Pastor, PHD ministries ikorodu NIGERIA IF YOU ARE A GENUINE CHRISTIAN, DONT REMOVE o link when you share or copy to whatapp or Facebook .don't be a stumbling block to those who will need to ask me a rapturable Christian

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