Monday, 22 May 2017


Jesus was given the scroll by the father, the scroll contains future events and prophecies, which must come to pass
The first seal was opened by Jesus , and the horse that came was
white in colour , .....meaning he will come in peace
the rider had a bow .....meaning he will defend the poor
he had no sword or arrow .....he won't attack at first
and a crown  ......he will be given power to rule
  This description is that of the Antichrist and also his government he will be prudent, a good manager, he will provide solution to world problems to those who register with his name or mark and also be accepted by all....BUT ALL IS DONE IN DECEPTION

The second horse was red in color, representing danger, death, destruction...the Government of the beast  will become bloody, war will broke out many will die

The third one is was black in colour he also represents famine, recession high cost of living, scarcity of food, water,and all basic things of life.

The fourth horse was pale in colour whose name was death but he did not come alone, he cane with the spirit of hell called Abbadon......they will walk together to kill on earth without any restriction, the world will experience death more than ever recorded in the history of man

When the fifth seal was opened the soul of those killed for the sake of the gospel cried to God for vengeance from people like Stephen James and those killed by boko haram and ISIS, ...they were also told that they should wait till other Christians who will be killed are also taking away

By the time the SIXTH seal was opened  God began his own judgement and wrath upon the earth, those who had the mark will be running to hide themselves because God will pour his anger upon the earth

Brethren what is Holding this FORCES from operating is nothing but the saints and the Holy soon as we are taking out of the way they will  STRIKE....2 Thessalonians 2 be prepared

Do you have any questions on this message?
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Do you need counsel on how to prepare for rapture CONTACT
Pastor, PHD ministries ikorodu NIGERIA
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