Friday, 3 November 2017

JUST ......24 HOURS ......BEFORE RAPTURE Matthew 24 :40-41 12:25pm ON A Saturday Sister MARTHA....... is a born again christian, she was having a quarrel with her neighbor CHIOMA BY NAME....some of the people around did all they could to stop them from exchanging words....the fight was still on and exchange of Abusive words Sister Martha.....I will show you pepper, you think because am a christian I should not talk Chioma.......I will beat you. Hmmmm you will forget. the name of Jesus mother if they ask you.... I will panel-beat your face now Sister Martha......Holy Ghost fire will burn that your hand, since you want to touch me...because am Gods anointed you can't touch me and go scot-free Chioma ....see her mouth....ayayayaya.......just come closer, you will see Holy Ghost will not even help you here, I will show you I be village girl First neighbor......auntie Martha you are a christian, calm down now... Second neighbor....yes o , you are the one preaching to us about godly attitude Sister not my fault, she started it , she removed all the cloth I washed from the wire and spread her own,some of them are still wet Chioma.....are you the only one that want to use the wire. If others can not I get mouth o Sister Martha.....see what she is calling cloth, all this second hand things, I can't even touch it.... Chioma......Thunder fire your mouth, you are calling my cloth second hand, ( she came closer to hit her, but the neighbors intervened and dragged them both your their apartment respectively) Early in the morning, Sister Martha headed for the church service, with her big bible, no make up, no attachement, no lipstick......she praised God and listen to the sermon, but her heart was her heart she made up her mind not to greet chioma her neighbor again...... Meanwhile chioma also went to see her elder sister who just came back from their village, because as usual their parent do send yam, cocoyam and palm oil to all of them, she did not meet her sister at home, she taught her sister will rest on Sunday morning, since she came back to the city very late on Saturday........she decided to join her in the church so that they can come together In the church of her sister. They invited pastor Michael Bamgboluwaga to preach about end time and tribulations....chioma came in while the message was on, right their, SHE GAVE HER LIVE TO CHRIST AND CONFESS HER SIN, SHE WAS COUNSELED TO MAKE RESTITUTION AND FORGIVE OTHERS TOO chioma, now born again was joyful, why she was coming home with her sister she had made up her mind to go and apologize to Sister Martha Same time while coming home, Sister Martha had made up her mind not to greet Sister chioma again all these was going on in their mind by 12:21pm 12:25 on that Sunday GOD TOLD THE ARC ANGEL TO BLOW THE TRUMPHET ....AND THIS TIME AROUND JESUS DID NOT INTERVENE chioma was raptured and others Christians around the world Sister Martha was left behind....because of unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, .....she cried and cried....she could not go home thinking chioma will be waiting to abuse her, for not making rapture.......Sister Martha ended up hiding in an uncompleted building the shame was too much for her.....END WHENEVER YOU ARE ASKED TO FORGIVE OR LOVE OTHERS IT IS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD, IF THEIR IS ANYONE, YOU HAVE ISSUE WITH SETTLE IT NOW.....THE NEXT DAY MIGHT BE TOO LATE. MARANATHA This message is for those who want To make rapture. You can politely ask any questions on this message? Any contrary comment projected to waterdown this message on my wall will be deleted Pastor, PHD ministries ikorodu NIGERIA PLEASE DONT REMOVE THIS link when you share or copy to whatapp or Facebook .don't be a stumbling block to those who will need to ask me a rapturable Christian

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