THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ...."HOLY MARY"...(Catholics take note)
JOHN 2:5
His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.
MARY was invited to a wedding and Jesus followed her mother he also took His disciples with him.when they had shortage of wine ..the mother of Jesus intervene and directed them to see Jesus.....
MARY NEVER INTERVENE...SHE did not speak further she introduced her son and let him take OVER ...Let us examine what Jesus and the Bible told us and see what catholic and pope are saying
CALL NO ONE FATHER Matthew 23:9........The Lord Jesus said we should never call anyone HOLY FATHER OR SPIRITUAL FATHER ...ONLY GOD IS OUR SPIRITUAL FATHER
JESUS IS THE ONLY MEDIATOR ....1 Timothy 2:5.......PRAYING in the name of Mary or any of the dead saints is OCCULTIC and idolatory....this is also total disobedience the only mediator between God and man is Jesus
WORSHIP ONLY GOD....Matthew 4:10...... Jesus said we should worship only God....kissing the feet of pope or bowing to the statues of Mary was not given to us by Jesus or his words
AM NOT THE GOD OF THE DEAD......Matthew 22:32......Praying for the dead is a waste of catholic they even pray for human skull and declare him saints...this is not from Jesus or from his words
FOLLOW ME AS I FOLLOW CHRIST.......1 Corinthians 11:1.....following Christ is a sign of obedience. If you now chose to follow the POPE OR THE ROMANS OR CATHOLIC EPISTLES AND DOCTRINE IT IS A SIN
EXECEPT A MAN BE BORN OF WATER ....JOHN 3:3.....JESUS did not ask babies to be baptized....only adult ...children can't chose for themselves they have to come to a mature age before you can baptize them
ALL HONOUR BELONG TO GOD.....REVELATION 5:12.......Jesus did not ask us to give honour to his mother or any body...give honour to God not mary
DONT BE EQUALLY YOKE WITH UNBELIEVERS........2 Corinthians 6:14 The Lord Jesus through his word did not want us to be equally yoked with the unbelievers
My advice to catholic faithful if they really want to honour Mary the mother of Jesus ....then for what she said....OBEY ALL THAT JESUS SAID OR WHAT HE SAID THROUGH HIS WORDS IN THE BIBLE
For Catholics responding to this messages recently with words like......
*You are mad
*You are stupid
*You are a fool
* I will kidnap you..........MAY THE LORD FORGIVE YOU....THOSE WORD DOES NOT BOTHER ME AT ALL....BUT IS JUST CONFIRMING WHAT HAS BE INVESTED IN YOU THAT IS NOT FROM GOD....prove your doctrines with the scriptures and put Satan to shame....see you on Monday for another message to the catholic faithful.....shallom
This message is for those who want To make rapture.
You can politely ask any questions on this message?
Pastor, PHD ministries ikorodu NIGERIA
PLEASE DONT REMOVE THIS link when you share or copy to whatapp or Facebook .don't be a stumbling block to those who will need to ask me a rapturable Christian
THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ...."HOLY MARY"...(Catholics take note)
JOHN 2:5
His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.
MARY was invited to a wedding and Jesus followed her mother he also took His disciples with him.when they had shortage of wine ..the mother of Jesus intervene and directed them to see Jesus.....
MARY NEVER INTERVENE...SHE did not speak further she introduced her son and let him take OVER ...Let us examine what Jesus and the Bible told us and see what catholic and pope are saying
CALL NO ONE FATHER Matthew 23:9........The Lord Jesus said we should never call anyone HOLY FATHER OR SPIRITUAL FATHER ...ONLY GOD IS OUR SPIRITUAL FATHER
JESUS IS THE ONLY MEDIATOR ....1 Timothy 2:5.......PRAYING in the name of Mary or any of the dead saints is OCCULTIC and idolatory....this is also total disobedience the only mediator between God and man is Jesus
WORSHIP ONLY GOD....Matthew 4:10...... Jesus said we should worship only God....kissing the feet of pope or bowing to the statues of Mary was not given to us by Jesus or his words
AM NOT THE GOD OF THE DEAD......Matthew 22:32......Praying for the dead is a waste of catholic they even pray for human skull and declare him saints...this is not from Jesus or from his words
FOLLOW ME AS I FOLLOW CHRIST.......1 Corinthians 11:1.....following Christ is a sign of obedience. If you now chose to follow the POPE OR THE ROMANS OR CATHOLIC EPISTLES AND DOCTRINE IT IS A SIN
EXECEPT A MAN BE BORN OF WATER ....JOHN 3:3.....JESUS did not ask babies to be baptized....only adult ...children can't chose for themselves they have to come to a mature age before you can baptize them
ALL HONOUR BELONG TO GOD.....REVELATION 5:12.......Jesus did not ask us to give honour to his mother or any body...give honour to God not mary
DONT BE EQUALLY YOKE WITH UNBELIEVERS........2 Corinthians 6:14 The Lord Jesus through his word did not want us to be equally yoked with the unbelievers
My advice to catholic faithful if they really want to honour Mary the mother of Jesus ....then for what she said....OBEY ALL THAT JESUS SAID OR WHAT HE SAID THROUGH HIS WORDS IN THE BIBLE
For Catholics responding to this messages recently with words like......
*You are mad
*You are stupid
*You are a fool
* I will kidnap you..........MAY THE LORD FORGIVE YOU....THOSE WORD DOES NOT BOTHER ME AT ALL....BUT IS JUST CONFIRMING WHAT HAS BE INVESTED IN YOU THAT IS NOT FROM GOD....prove your doctrines with the scriptures and put Satan to shame....see you on Monday for another message to the catholic faithful.....shallom
This message is for those who want To make rapture.
You can politely ask any questions on this message?
Pastor, PHD ministries ikorodu NIGERIA
PLEASE DONT REMOVE THIS link when you share or copy to whatapp or Facebook .don't be a stumbling block to those who will need to ask me a rapturable Christian
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