Monday, 30 October 2017

BEWARE OF THE ......"jesus".......OF CATHOLIC

BEWARE OF THE....... "jesus ".......OF CATHOLIC
Mark 13:22
For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

The image catholic are calling Jesus is not the JESUS son of the Living God
But the painting  .of ....CESARE BORGIA......who is the son of pope ALEXANDER  THE SIXTH....IN 1490.....the artist that painted it was LEONARDO DA VINCI born in 1452....CESARE BORGIA was a wicked son Just like his father..   he killled his own brother and slept with his own sister.....the father use the painting to honour his son.

HAVE you asked yourself where they got the image or the face of Jesus
Because the Apostle did not have his drawing neither was any of them met the Artist

Be careful any image else it becomes idolatry....God hate idol worship
It does not matter if you call the image Jesus or Peter or Mary

Jesus want us to worship God in spirit and in don't need any image to be don't need to pray to a particular image before he will answer you

Statue of baby Jesus is nothing but the worship of sun god..don't get involve in the son of the queen of heaven

Don't bother how Jesus look....when you get to the kingdom of God you will know him......let his word be in your heart

Since you don't know how he looks like don't put any picture on the that you will not be projecting a demon

There are several picture of Jesus every where....does Jesus have different faces when he was on earth ....that shows  the Catholic are deceiving people with different faces of one man the same thing they do with Mary if you get to Israel there is a place they erect different images of Mary with different faces.repent of Idol worship.

The Lord has directed me to be sending a weekly message to the Catholics that some of them might be saved because they are ignorantly going to that ROMAN MADE SHRINE......The Lord also confirmed it through my that revelation she saw both of us in catholic to minister and the dead were raised.....meaning the position of catholic before God is that they are already dead...'.'and some of them will come alive when they hear the truth....shalom.

This message is for those who want To make rapture.
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Pastor, PHD ministries ikorodu NIGERIA
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