Wednesday, 25 October 2017


IT has been impressed on my spirit several time that  VERY FEW Christians  will be caught up to heaven before the Great tribulations .....  it is more like 10%  of those who have been ...born again ....Filled  with the Holy Spirit
 baptized by water

Many will be left behind because of 
false doctrines
Going back to vomits
Un preparedness 
Love of this world
Wrong churches

Sister Lillian OKOIRUELE is a Christian Sister and a friend on Facebook she had been having dream  about rapture she had it thrice this year ...the recent one was on the 22nd of October this carefully

SISTER Lilian Okoiruele REVELATION 22nd of October 2017

I have seen rapture revelation 3 times the this year alone and each of them I was left behind.....last one was 22nd of this month October 2017 
  I saw a mighty angel appear in the sky......rapture had just happened and I was left behind....there were many people left behind people .The CHRISTIANS that were rapture ....WERE VERY FEW COMPARE TO THOSE ON GROUND.....I look up to the sky there was a big door where Jesus was welcoming those who made IT ....I saw the river of life and how happy those who made IT are....I was crying and others were crying too...I Saw SINACH.... the lady that sang ....."you are here moving in our midst I worship you"......she was dressed with no make up or attachment. ..she was crying bitterly...she was not happy, but in that revelation she had changed her way of dressing........I saw my elder sister,  she was left behind too I told her to gathered food before Antichrist agent come ...we saw Antichrist military men.... they caught up with us and beat both of us ...asking where is the Jesus that will come and save you now....I was beating till I woke up and was asking for mercy.

Do more than you are doing now when it comes to Holiness
Confess your sins without wasting time
Ask for the mercy of God daily
Make restitution without wasting time 
Run away from hyper grace teachers and teaching
Live a moderate and contented life
Watch your words and guide your heart 
Forgive and don't keep malice
Run away from sexual sin
Don't go back to artificial products...avoid any attachment 
Be natural in your looks
Reconcile with your spouse
Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling 
The Lord will see us through  ......amen

This message is for those who want To make rapture.
You can politely ask any questions on this message?
Any contrary comment projected to waterdown this message on my wall will be deleted
Pastor, PHD ministries ikorodu NIGERIA 
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