Wednesday, 13 September 2017



2 KINGS 5 verse 1

Check yourself and see the BUT  in your life that can hinder you from stand right before God, you  must deal with it before rapture OR.....before death

You can preach very well .......but you are  masturbating
You can teach very well .....but you also gossip
You are a good evangelist .....but you don't forgive easily
You dress godly always ......but there are people you don't greet
You can pray very well .......but your heart is feel with lust for opposite sex
You  attend every service in your church....but you are always fighting with your neighbours
You are gifted in prophecies ......but you are proud
You love to work for God .....BUT YOU LOVE MONEY TOO
You can sing like an angel ......but you are not in good term with your parents
You are the best instrumentalist in your church.......but you are a fornicator
You preach holiness to others.......but you practice something else behind
You pay your tithe in church...  ...But you are a collecting bribe in the office
Thank God you are brilliant .........but you are yoked to phonography
You are doing great on Facebook......... but your name is not in the book of life because of secret sins

Do you need any message on holiness  and rapture ?
Connect ....PHD ministries channels on you tube ....OR
Connect us live on my Facebook wall every Sunday for worship services by 8am..........OR
IF YOU ARE A GENUINE CHRISTIAN, DONT REMOVE THIS link when you share or copy to whatapp or Facebook .don't be a stumbling block to those who will need to ask me a rapturable Christian

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