THE bible says only a fool will say there is no God , another name for foolishness biblical ....... is MADNESS anyone who says GOD does not exist is a mad person...there are several ways the generation of men fufill this scripture.
Psalms 14 verse 1 and verse 53 verse 1~3
ANYone who says GOD does not exist is a fool suffering from madness
Pastor selling liquids in a bottle ....and calling it blood of Jesus or miracle water.....are suffering from executive madness
Those turning their head upside down in the name of evangelism are into open madness
Those who pierce their nose or mouth or lips or ear are suffering from designed madness
Anyone that says JESUS is not the son of GOD , and that God must have a wife before he can have a son. Is a fool and having a form of madness
God covers the nakedness of eve in the garden of eden , if any woman goes half naked in the name of fashion is a fool suffering from madness
It is not biblical for women to plait their hair ...IF MEN NOW PLAIT THERE OWN IT IS ORIGINAL MADNESS
All sagging from young men, even in church is total madness
God made you a man, transform yourself to a woman with breast and women face .......this is chronic madness
God made you a black man or woman NOW YOU HAVE BLEACHED YOUR SKIN......It is madness of the highest order
You washed your hair and oil it .....but did not comb for months in the name of fashion or dreadlock is original madness
You claim to be a christian , but when you are offended you flare up in anger and fight...
THERE are several men and women , still single , you did not find any of them , YOU NOW MARRY A DOG OR A HORSE.....THIS IS SENIOR MADNESS
YOU are a politician , you stole the fund from the government purse , and kept it in a white man bank account , the white use it to develop his country....while your people are suffering ....that is executive madness.
You are a pastor you allow your female choir and church members to put on mini skirt , to the extend that when they sit down they have to cover their laps .....that is intentional madness
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