Monday, 10 July 2017



Daniel was a hard working  government official, and yet highly spiritually minded,he could pray, and also deny himself from pleasure and official meals that are free and rich, this shoes us that we can deny ourselves some pleasure to achieve divine goals.

Daniel decided to fast on his own, he did not hear a voice , he just chose to fast and pray for specific issues bothering him.

Daniel also design the kind of fasting he wanted, probably because of his daily activities, he was eating meals but not delicious one e.g. Bread and water......buiscuit and fruits, roasted plantain and groundnut, gaaari and ground nut....he was not having total fast ,

Also he did not anoint himself meaning he did not cream himself after bathing, he choose to keep low

He was fasting and praying , not fasting alone, since he had no wife it was convenient for him

There are princes controlling your environment, stop calling the prince of Persia, since you are not living in Persia...Angel Gabriel define the area the principality he was talking about was if you must bind then bind the prince of your city or country.

Most times God answers our prayers immediately, but some forces in the realm of the spirit attack the manifestations that is why we must pray more.

If God want to speak to you personally he want you to lonely and be separated
May be alone in the room or church
Away from Work
Away from television
Away from daily activities

Don't call the name of any angel let God choose whom he want to send, you can ask God to send angels to fight your battle, but don't mention any name else demon will answer you in presence.

Also learn that angels ask specific areas they operate, they don't just do what they like...
There are mesage angels
There are warfare angels
There are prophetic angels
There are evangelism angels
There are healing angels
There are deliverance angels
There are crowd pulling angels
There are personal  angels
Some have wings, while some don't have, some are huge while some are in the height of a man God has them in different forms.

Thank God the Lord send  angel Michael to pave way for Angel Gabriel to pass the message to Daniel....I pray that God will release his Angels to work on our behalf in Jesus name.

See you tomorrow for the study on chapter 11
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