Thursday, 26 April 2018
Jude  1:3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

To contend for the faith means;
To fight for the faith
To stand up for the faith
To defend the faith
To live in the faith.

Is so disheartening that  the faith is no longer contented for everyone is so tired of contending, they don't even understand the importance of contending for the faith shallow Christianity is being practiced, mouth Christianity no practical Christianity every one is living as if this present world won't come to an end.

People are Pershing daily in hell and we are at ease in our comfort zone are we contending for the faith?
Immorality has eaten up so many even in the house of God and everyone is accepting it are we contending for the faith
Competition here and there are we contending for the faith.
Disunity in the body of Christ are we contending for the faith
Hyper grace and do as you like preaching here and there are we contending for the faith? hmmmmmmmmmm.
Even those we are expecting to contend are actually falling out of faith no one is ready to embrace the old time religion.
Lord Jesus revive this generation.
So many lies and falsehood people turning the grace of God into lasciviousness no genuine repentance again.
The body of Christ has lost the touch of God every one is becoming the Holy Spirit of themselves they claim they are led by God but Lo and behold they are led by themselves and their greediness we don't have Shepard of the sheep's but hireling who are concerned with only what they can get for themselves no one is asking God what He wants from them.
Let's go back to God in repentance let's go back to our first love let's contend for the faith it worth it
I pray God speaks to us Himself and help us to daily contend for the faith

Don't neglect so great salvation
God bless you
Be a rapturous Christian

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