Thursday, 22 February 2018
THE FIRST 5 MINUTES AFTER................

When a person dies without christ
Or without salvation
Or church goer with sin not confessed
Or with sin not repented of

 The soul comes out of the body
He look at himself and also see the body he had been using
The carnal and perishable body
Stone dead.......

People are crying  beside the body
He could not communicate with them
They cant see him
He cant enter the body again

Now he walk through the chairs and furniture in the house
He was not wounded by them
He pass through walls ...
Goes through without opening any door
His cars and house are not useful any more
He could not use his phone to call the office that he is not coming to work

Then ...........
Two dark and horrible spirit appears
Grip him tight
He cant resist them
They have been waiting for him to die
They have come to take him to his final destination

As they go down get darker and horrible
They did not yield to his request to release him
Then a gate open to a large place where no one can come out
He screamed ...fireeeeeeeeeee

All he has done comes up to him
All sin stood against him
He did not allow the blood of JESUS cleanse him while he was on earth .....finish
All the rushing and pursuit of mundane things ....over
The body that enjoyed the world, the food and drinks is no there to See what is happening


Do you have any questions on this message?
Do you need any topic on holiness messages?
Do you need counsel on how to prepare for rapture
Pastor, PHD ministries ikorodu NIGERIA
IF YOU ARE A GENUINE CHRISTIAN, DONT REMOVE THIS link when you share or copy to whatapp or Facebook .don't be a stumbling block to those who will need to ask me a rapturable Christian

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